Friday, 15 January 2016

Updated whats in my school bag!

So it's 15 days into January and I haven't started or even attempted any of my New Years resolutions!

Anyway I got a new school bag for Christmas so thought it was time for an updated what's in my school bag!

I'm not sure where this bag is from as my parents got it offline. It has one main pocket and then a smaller one at the front.

In the front pocket I keep my purse which is from primark, a lip balm, and my locker key.

In the big pocket I obviously have all my school books and my planner which is a life saver cause if I didn't have that I would never remember my homework or where I am meant to be so if you don't get given one at school I would highly recommend getting one!
I then have a bottle of water because it's is really important to stay hydrated especially at stressful times like exams ( which I am dreading!) I then have a hairbrush so I can try and look half decent! I also have a hair bobble and perfume.  

I hope you enjoyed this post let me know if you've got exams coming up and how you cope with them because I am rubbish at revision and stuff and could really do with some tips! 


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