Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tips on staying happy and positive!

Today i decided to list a few methods to help you stay happy! It can be hard to stay up-beat and happy all the time especially under the pressure of school, work,etc so i decided to put a list together of a few things that help me  and may help you.

Have regular pamper evenings!
This may sound like a bit of a silly idea but spending a little time to yourself just relaxing and  de-stressing can really help.Just run yourself a bath with a nice lush product,(who else cant wait for lushes winter/Christmas range!) read a book and relax.
In the picture below I've shown some of my pamper evening essentials.

Make yourself a jar of inspiring and happy quotes.
I actually made one of these as a present for someone, it is such a lovely idea and each morning or whenever you are felling a bit stressed you can pick out a quote and it will hopefully uplift your mood and make you feel a little more positive.

Take a break from whatever is stressing you out.
Whether its revision,homework or any other sort of work etc if its stressing you out keeping doing it is just going to make things worse and you most likely wont do it very well. Even if you just go away from it for 5-10 minutes that gives your head a little time to clear before you attempt it again.I find taking my dogs for a long walk by the river or through the fields is the best way to de-stress.

Live for yourself and not other people.
I don't mean this in a selfish way but many people try too hard to impress others and many people don't do things because of the way others would react.You shouldn't worry what others think, if it makes you happy do it(to a certain extent)!

Surround yourself with the best people.
if you feel like you cant be yourself around someone and you feel that they are not a true friend then don't feel like you need to keep them in your life,you don't! You should only surround yourself with the best of people and people who bring out the best in you.

Do things that make you happy!
It may not be what others want you to be doing but if its not going to affect anyone and its what you want,do it! Even if you want to do something such as join a club and none of your friends will go with you just go,you may even meet some new friends you have the same interests as you .

Sleep and exercise more
I know exercise....  but it has actually been prove that if you exercise and sleep more you will become happier.Exercise has prove to relax people and increase their brain power, even if you just do a little bit of exercise each day.If you follow us on twitter you will see that we have tweeted about the "Sworkit!" app, it is a great way to do a work out as you can pick the length of time and what type you want to do.Sleep allows our bodies to recover from the day and allows our body to rest and repair itself. More sleep means you have less sensitive emotions,helps us focus and be more productive  .All these factors help affect our levels of happiness so the more sleep and exercise the better.

Yoga is something i have just recently started to love, it is so good for relaxing you.You don't need to join a club or anything you can just find some routines online, doing this everyday will help to relax you especially if you do it at the end of a stress full day. I just look up posers and routines on Google or YouTube.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that it helped you , even if it was only in the tiniest way!

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