Friday, 15 May 2015

How to get thicker looking hair!!!

Hey everyone 

Today I thought I'd do a post on tips to getting thicker, healthier looking hair.

I have quite naturally thin hair which can be annoying as it just seems to hang there and look horrible, so I looked on the Internet for some tips and products that make you hair look less lifeless and these are some that I've used that work.

1) don't wash you hair everyday. I used to wash my hair everyday and my hair looked horrible, so I decided to only wash it every second day and it looks so much better now.

2) L'Oréal fibrology thickening shampoo and conditioner. This actually works it is the only thickening shampoo I've found that works!! 

3) get your hair cut every 6-12 weeks. It is important that you do this so you get rid of your split ends. 

4) after washing your hair before you get out the shower rinse your hair with cold water. This is really good for your hair and also makes it shiny.

5)use a thickening hair mask. I use this 1-2 times a month and it just moisturises and gives a bit more volume/thickness to your hair. 

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