This is my last post before exams as they start in 5 days (HELP!)
English is my first exam and one of my worst subjects so I am dreading it. I have been trying to revise and learn quotes as much as possible but I get so easily distracted (it is actually unreal haha!)
My mum bought me rescue remedies pastels which I hope will help me because I am not good in exam situations which isn't great seeing as I have to sit 6 very soon.
I have also never wanted to eat so much in my life! I don't know what it is about revision but it just makes me eat all the time so during study leave I'm gonna try exercise otherwise when I go back to school I'm gonna be at least 10 sizes bigger haha!
Anyway good luck to anyone who has exams or anything like that! Let me know in the comments your bad habits whilest revising!
Sorry this post isn't the usual but with exams it's been harder to write them so I thought it'd be easier to do a chatty one hope you enjoyed it anyway!